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Superfood for beautiful skin

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Superfood for beautiful skin

a beautiful appearance demands a lot. it starts with the right nutrition. you are certainly aware that junk food and fatty food can cause your face to be covered with pimples. in addition, there is an oily layer of skin.
Let's be honest with ourselves, fast food can sometimes be quite appropriate. Nevertheless, you should not eat this kind of food every day. In the long run, it can be quite stressful.

We have 5 Superfoods that will get your glow back.

1. leafy vegetables: 

I know that for most of us spinach or kale does not belong on the plate, but what makes this vegetable so special is its high content of vitamin E&C. These vitamins protect against skin-ageing free radicals and environmental toxins. Vitamin E also helps prevent UV damage, while vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen, which gives the skin elasticity.

2. red peppers

Our next superfood on the list is red pepper. vitamin A&C, which promotes collagen production and maintains the youthful appearance of the skin, repairs skin damage and fights the signs of time. containing carotenoids reduce the skin's sensitivity to the sun.

3. beetroot

The betaine in beetroot helps burn fat, and thanks to antioxidants such as betacyanine and a powerful vitamin combination (C and B6), it can also reduce skin blemishes and fight fine lines.

4th carrot 

Fortunately, carrots contain a powerful combination of carotenoids and vitamins (A, K, C, B6, B1, B2 and E) that help minimize redness, protect against harmful UV rays and give the skin a healthy glow.

5. avocado

Thanks to a blend of unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants (such as beta-carotene, lycopene and zeaxanthin), and just about every vitamin imaginable, they can reduce redness, renew skin cells, combat signs of aging, and help maintain skin's moisture content.

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