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„Less is more“- Make-up routine

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„Less is more“- Make-up routine

That's our mantra.!

We always recommend simplifying your make-up routine – especially from the age of 30 and beyond. Practically speaking, wearing less make-up saves time during morning preparation.

These are valuable extra minutes that you could invest in sleep, training, meditation or just relaxation.

All‘ this can improve your overall health and help you give your best every day.

It also gives you the freedom to just be yourself.

By wearing less make-up, you show the world that you are self-confident. You don't have to hide behind a lot of make-up, you will feel more comfortable radiating your own natural beauty.

This trust is more attractive than any amount of make-up can ever be.

If you want to make a change this year to wear less makeup, we have some ideas on how you can start.

„First give your skin a little extra care“

If you have been wearing a face full of make-up for years, there is a possibility that your skin may need a little extra care. Wearing a lot of make-up tends to make your skin dull after a while and steal the natural radiance of your skin.

It also goes under the skin and clogging the pores. We recommend that you first concentrate on your skin. Try your daily foundation or concealer stick through a purely natural moisturizer such as the Divine Moisturizer or Divine serum to replace the

„Get used to moisturizing your face at least once a day“

See how long it takes until you start falling in love with your skin – without foundation or concealer. You can also peel the skin. Try a gentle peeling, like our Essential Peeling(It's a quick way to remove any old make-up hidden in your pores.)

„Try to do without make-up for a week“

Once you have moisturized yourself every day for a few weeks, challenge yourself to give up your make-up for a week and it will be interesting here. Give up your eyeliner, blush, bronzer, eye shadow, mascara and everything else you apply to your face for seven days.

„Commit yourself to only wash and moisturize your face – and don't wear makeup“  

Consider it an experiment or an adventure. This is your chance to see how the world reacts to you when you're not wearing makeup. (You may find that no one will notice – or they have a lot of positive feedback.) Remember: You're only doing this for a week just to experience how it is. It can feel uncomfortable at first when you're used to wearing a lot of makeup. But stick to the time limit. You can even do a girlfriend R.

„Make it your business to go out with these friends one night“ 

Get dressed. Add some colorful jewelry. Moisturize your face – have fun going out without make-up. Find out for yourself how much freer and more even you will feel without all that make-up.

„Create your own „less is more“ routine“

Did you manage a week without makeup? Great – now you're ready. You're ready to create your own „less is more“ makeup routine. We recommend you start this new „less is more“ routine by continuing to moisturize your skin daily.

„Then you start adding a few of your cosmetics one by one, depending on what you like to wear“

For example, several of our customers have told us that they love to be our Gold Moisturizer Our women love the ease of use and a little eye make-up than their own „less is more“ routine. For you it may be a little different. Maybe you'll find that you love to use a moisturizer, such as the Gold Moisturizer with a small creamy foundation and eyeliner – and that was’s.

„While you are creating your new „less is more“ routine, try to keep your routine under 10 minutes“

If you apply make-up for longer than 10 minutes, there is a possibility that you will no longer follow a „less is more“ approach.

Tell us: Do you already use a "less is more" approach for your make-up routine? If so, what do you use and what do you suggest to other women who want to make a change?

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